2024 Election Resources and Events

  • "Loving Your Neighbor in an Election Season" - A Free Four-Week Sermon Series

    "Loving Your Neighbor in an Election Season" is a thoughtfully crafted four-week sermon series by Rev. Stephen M. Fearing, designed to guide congregations through the often divisive election period. This series encourages communities to reflect on their calling to love, practice nonviolence, repair breaches, and remember their Christian duties regardless of political climates. Each week offers liturgies, hymn suggestions, and sermon prompts, fostering unity, compassion, and actionable faith. Through these reflections and practices, congregations are empowered to embody Christ's love and justice in their interactions and societal roles.

  • Liturgical Resources for Election Season

    The "2024 Election Season General Liturgical Resources" guide, edited by Rev. Stephen M. Fearing and published by the Clergy Emergency League, offers updated and expanded liturgical elements to support clergy in leading worship during the election season. This resource includes candle lighting liturgies, prayers, calls to worship, confessions, and more, all designed to foster hope, unity, and social justice within congregations. Full permission is granted for use and adaptation with appropriate credit.

  • Sermon Ideas for RCL Texts for Election Season

    In this resource, Rev. Dr. Leah D. Schade guides clergy on integrating social and political themes into sermons during the 2024 election season without endorsing specific candidates. It underscores the moral duty of preachers to relate biblical teachings to current social issues.

    An Assessment Tool is introduced to help clergy choose the right sermon approach—Gentle, Invitational, or Robust—based on their congregation's dynamics.

    The document encourages engaging sermons that connect biblical teachings with contemporary issues, promoting justice and equality.

  • Discovering Your Congregation's Theologies of Conflict

    Facilitator: The Rev. Dr. Leah D. Schade, Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship, Lexington Theological Seminary, and Co-Founder of the Clergy Emergency League

    Summary: The election season can heighten preexisting tensions and conflict in churches. But if we look at conflict from a theological perspective, we may discover God’s presence in unexpected ways. This session will explore the unspoken assumptions that people of faith can have about the relationship between God and our human disagreements and skirmishes.  Is it possible to be in conflict and yet remain connected? How do we assess our “theologies of conflict” to understand ourselves and our faith more fully?  Participants will work with a tool developed by Dr. Schade that they can use in their congregations to unearth our beliefs about how God relates to us in the midst of conflict so that we can find common vocabulary and handle tensions in a healthier and growth-producing way.

  • Politics, the Media, and the Church's Role in Truth-Telling

    Facilitators: The Rev. Dr. Jim Antal, The Rev. Dr. Jim Antal, Special Advisor on Climate Justice to UCC General Minister and President

    The Rev. Robert Franek, ELCA Minister and CEL Steering Committee Member

    The Rev. Nelson Rabell Gonzalez, Pastor of Iglesia Luterana Santa María Peregrina, Stockton, CA, and CEL Steering Committee Member

    Summary: Given the media's role in shaping public opinion during the election season, how can the church be wise stewards of truth? This panel will discuss the challenges of preaching, teaching, and pastoral care when misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda are shaping the opinions of parishioners. Panelists will share biblical, theological, and practical guidance for clergy and congregations for navigating complex social and political landscapes while maintaining a commitment to integrity and Christ-centered teaching.

  • Preparing for Faithful Nonviolent Resistance This Election Season

    Facilitator: The Rev. Lauren Grubaugh Thomas, Episcopal Church Planter, CEL Steering Committee Member

    Summary: How can we empower ourselves and our people for faithful action this election season amidst the rising tides of white Christian nationalism and authoritarianism? The Rev. Lauren Grubaugh Thomas will share time-tested civil resistance strategies along with theological and Biblical frameworks for collective struggle to equip us to contend together for our democracy.  

    The Rev. Lauren Grubaugh Thomas nurtures soulful revolutionaries as a writer, activist, and church planter in the Episcopal Church in Colorado. She is on the Steering Committee of the Clergy Emergency League and is a founding member of Palestinian Anglicans and Clergy Allies. She writes and podcasts at the intersection of spiritual transformation and social change at A Soulful Revolution. Follow her @revlaurengthomas.

  • Depolarizing Congregations and Communities During the Election Season and Beyond

    Facilitator: Rachel Leigh Peller, Director, Wisconsin Partners

    Summary: Divisiveness isn't new, but it feels bigger and more pervasive than ever, with no signs of slowing down. Our families, communities, congregations, and our country are strained by the intense polarization that limits our ability to move towards real solutions together. This webinar will focus on tools and strategies that anyone can use to foster civility, appreciate difference, and find common ground without compromising our core values. If we truly believe that all humans have value and that everyone can be part of the solution, we need to operate in ways that align with those beliefs and amplify the best of what is possible. Join us to build resiliency in our relationships, our organizations, and our communities in the midst of the election season and beyond.

    Rachel Peller is the Director of Wisconsin Partners, a coalition of statewide associations and community-based groups collaborating across sectors, perspectives, and communities for a better Wisconsin. Wisconsin Partners uses a relational, asset-based approach to identify common ground and address root causes. Rachel has an advanced certificate in Conflict Resolution and has worked with Braver Angels, the Zeidler Center, Tallahassee Town Square, and Living Room Conversations on bridging divides. Like many, she comes from a highly polarized family and lives in a purple part of the state - this work is hard, heartfelt, and highly personal.